Where is the Supply chain playground in Singapore

Supply chain playground Singapore

SCLIP, Supply chain playground Singapore, Digital twin for warehouses

The Supply Chain Playground & Logistics Innovation Playground (SCLIP) Singapore is designed to host displays of the latest applied logistics and supply chain technologies and solutions in the industry.

The Innovation Playground aims to become a place for trial, testing, and launching of new and innovative solutions for the industry by bringing together accelerators, integrators, technology and equipment companies, start-ups, and academic and research institutions. Efficient inventory tracking solutions can help inventory counting by up to 99% accuracy.

The SCLIP platform will display and test smart warehouse, logistics, and supply chain developments and applications by targeting innovations that could be adopted for faster, more flexible, and ecologically sound logistics and supply chains of the future.

IOT in Supply Chain Playground Singapore

Equipment Technology The Equipment Technology area will be the core of the SCLIP structure. It will showcase innovative equipment, Augmented Reality (AR) devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) in an “applied” logistics-operating environment. The aim is to allow the equipment/prototypes to be tested and demonstrated on their usefulness and create a hands-on experience for visitors. The cost of adoption and technology readiness will be discussed and promoted in the playground to ensure that all aspects of integrating such technologies are fully explored.

Digital Technology Software technologies, data analytics, control tower solutions, and other digital applications will be set up in this area. SCA Logistics Productivity Indicators, World Bank Logistics Performance Index, as well as other statistical tools and measurements of industry performances, will be constantly updated in this area to give an account of the impact of inefficiencies on the company’s and country’s economic performance.

Urban Logistics/Smart Nation This area will present the latest innovation that affects the urban logistics and Singapore Smart Nation initiative. Some of these will include the adoption of driverless vehicles for fixed distance drops, last-mile logistics, and distribution, e-commerce, drones, and locker systems. 

IOT solutions for supply chain,  Digital twin for warehouses in Singapore – Call us to know about our IOT supply chain playground offerings for cold chain monitoring, smart warehouse, intelligent buildings, smart agriculture, etc.