Where to read about the best Real-time asset management FAQ

RipplesIPS - Real-time asset tracking system with Asset maintenance CMMS FAQ, CMMS Software

Real Time Asset Tracking

RipplesCMMS - Real time Asset maintenance CMMS FAQ , CMMS asset maintenance FAQ

RipplesIPS Realtime asset tracking software on Wirepas mesh

Gateway device for Real-time asset tracking software

RTLS solutions FAQ : Real-time Tracking & Maintenance

RTLS solutions FAQ and asset maintenance. (A powerful way to track the indoor location tracking of assets in real time. The self-healing massivemesh network deployed is highly reliable and scalable, making it a cost-effective infrastructure for a wide range of real-time indoor GPS asset tracker use cases, such as:

RipplesIPS team leverages its 7 years of indoor positioning system expertise in delivering an easy-to-deploy and quick implementation, wireless Real-time asset maintenance system, which helps in improving productivity and safety in factories, warehouse inventory monitoring, cold chain monitoring and tracking, truck fleet maintenance, and logistics management. Read more on the RTLS solutions FAQ.
Ripples IoT Realtime Asset tracking software, CMMS software with Wirepas massivemesh, RTLS solutions FAQ


Accuracy of RipplesIPS RTLS solution

There is a trade-off between accuracy and cost for IPS (Indoor Positioning System). Generally, the more accurate the system, the more expensive it will be to deploy and maintain. However, the application’s specific requirements will determine the optimal balance of accuracy and cost.


A cloud-enabled RTLS solutions and CMMS software with real-time asset tracking software for identifying the indoor asset location with an accuracy of 4 x 4 meters, which has the function to categorize the assets based on usage and type, the physical location of the asset, time spent, last known location, etc.

There is an easy-to-configure rule engine that can be enabled to send alerts and notifications, for example, when an employee goes to a no-go zone or if an inventory pallet is found to be stacked in the wrong location
RipplesIPS CMMS software – Asset maintenance has a functionality whereby assets can be grouped and tracked for efficiency. This can be about tracking a group of interns, workers engaged in a specific repair activity, bill of materials pallet tracking in a production environment
A virtual zone is a set of digital boundaries created in a specific region of the building  These could be different departments where people work, inventory storage areas, or front office reception where customers walk in to avail services

We have integrated Inventree software with RipplesIPS to provide you with professional warehouse inventory monitoring software, which boosts productivity when it comes to inventory stock take and cycle counting.

Both the data transmission and the network signaling are secured on the link layer with AES128 encryption and OMAC1 integrity verification. The mesh uses the network-wide Message Integrity Code (MIC) and AES128 encryption key. A replay attack is prevented by adding a nonce to the message. The messages are encrypted/decrypted and integrity checked hop-by-hop.

A mesh network offers several benefits for real-time asset tracking, including:

  • High reliability: Wireless mesh and BLE mesh networks are reliable, even in harsh environments.
  • Scalability: RipplesIPS mesh networks can be scaled to support many devices.
  • Inventory tags consume very little power, which extends their battery life.
  • Security: Mesh networks are highly secure and resistant to interference.

The costs associated with using a massivemesh network for real-time asset tracking will vary depending on the specific application, layout, and coverage. However, the cost of RTLS tags is relatively low, and the cost of the cloud-based asset-tracking software platform is typically based on a subscription model. Overall, real-time asset tracking with a Wirepas mesh is a powerful and affordable way to track the indoor location of assets in real time.

EN 12830 cold chain monitoring and tracking solutions can be deployed on the same infrastructure to provide regular alerts and notifications.

The devices have certification for CE, FCC, and RoHS. The battery life  would vary between 3 months to 10 years, depending on how often they are configured to transmit information (Zone, timestamp)

We do have an IoT starter kit that can be shipped to you in two weeks for you to deploy the RTLS solution on your own and try it out with different use cases.

Call us to learn more about RTLS solutions FAQ, Asset maintenance  management, RipplesCMMS software, and RipplesIPS and the benefits of CMMS software and benefits of RTLS solutions