Now, a robust IoT platform to enhance workflow management

Workflow automation & management tools

IoT platform for Workflow management and workflow automation – Two of the key performance indicators (KPI) in the manufacturing industry are MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and MTBR (Mean Time To Repair). MTBF is a performance metric that measures the time elapsed between when a failure occurs and the next time it happens. MTTR is the time spent conducting repairs once a failure occurs. Both these KPIs are calculated by dividing the total time taken respectively by the number of failures. While these are good indicators of performance, they are flawed. Failures cannot be foreseen as they are not uniform and can occur at any point in time. In the case of repairs, it may take longer for some than others. That is why these metrics lack real-life accuracy unless a solution such as RipplesIPS for workflow monitoring platform is deployed, with alerts on E-paper.

Ripples IOT platform for workflow management system, workflow monitoring and workflow automation

Workflow automation: What it is, why it matters, and how you can use it

RipplesIPS IoT platform with workflow management system can be configured to use its real-time location system capabilities to monitor the transformation of raw materials into finished goods. The actual operational times of the production stages can be analyzed and resources can be allocated accurately. Preventive Maintenance can be scheduled based on the number of hours used. This eliminates the need to estimate KPIs like Mean Time Between Failures and Mean Time To Repair by providing us with actual figures of usage. No excess resources will need to be allocated. 

Production workflow tracking can be done in groups to ensure just-in-time warehouse inventory monitoring.

This will, in turn, improve operational efficiency and ultimately lead to a higher Return on Investment (ROI). Factory floor monitoring solutions can help to improve the audit and schedule of proactive maintenance schedules by gathering operational data such as hours used, operating environment, the time spent by the workforce in production zones, time to repair a piece of equipment, abnormal handling of equipment by users, running hours, etc. Helps to ascertain the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and the Meantime Between Repairs (MTBR)

Most factories and warehouses employ technical staff to conduct periodic checks and repairs to ensure the asset equipment is up and running all the time. Unexpected breakdowns can lead to a loss in revenue, opportunity costs, unsatisfied customers, etc.  Using our shop floor workflow monitoring solutions,  your technicians will be able to remotely monitor the fixed assets to help prevent machine breakdown.

RTLS workflow automation for production efficiency.

Implementing Industrial wearables with noninvasive RTLS devices and RTLS data visualization tools can help businesses improve equipment uptime, and track & trace critical plant and machinery on the factory floor abnormality manager.

Ripples IoT workflow management and automation tools

RTLS workflow management system solutions

CMMS preventive maintenance tracking using a workflow management system can help businesses improve operational excellence through proactive maintenance, optimizing inventory management, and reducing the energy consumption of various heavy industry equipment.

Call us at the following numbers to more about how the workflow software, integrated workflow management system products, and RTLS workflow monitoring will assist in implementing shop floor Activity Based Costing.