How to implement an Indoor Asset location monitoring system

IOT asset location and condition monitoring, Machine data, vibration analysis, anomaly detection

Monitoring indoor asset location

Indoor asset location. In an era of economic turmoil, businesses will need to innovate and keep the cost of maintenance low. IndoorAsset location monitoring procedures are crucial for any industrial plant. This problem intensifies if the machines are old and legacy ones. Mechanical problems can start from nowhere, and go completely unnoticed leading to production downtime. Since it is very difficult to keep check of such machines manually, monitoring these machines for any anomalies becomes important. On such important aspect of repair & preventive maintenance is to track locations moved, temperature, humidity, pressure, and G-force of equipment, apart from the time spent in each location to understand utilization.

Indoor Asset location monitoring with Bluetooth beacons

So how do we track indoor asset location? And what we can interpret from the collected data?  Anomaly detection data can help the users correlate to various health issues of the equipment. Sometimes it can help us track specific issues of equipment.

The prospect has a large bread manufacturing unit, and they wanted to track overheating and humidity in their motors. From our onsite inspection, we found out that the overheating varied on equipment; some was due to the bearing defect, gear mesh damage, and imbalance in the drive shaft.  In some cases, it was due to the loosened body parts such as nuts, bolts, and clamps.

Ripples IoT Pte ltd - Indoor asset location monitoring solutions

Indoor asset location monitoring solutions

The production floor will be filled with all kinds of machines, ranging from agitators, compressors, extruders, and flywheels to generator sets.  RipplesIPS industrial monitoring solutions can be applied to any machine be it old, intermediate, or new. Our sensor data visualization tools provide detection instances that would be on the constant lookout for defects and variations from the existing system.

Easily deployable Bluetooth mesh mesh sensors

Our indoor location tracking and monitoring Bluetooth mesh beacons can be attached to any machine easily and can form a mesh network of its own for data collection for forklift tracking as an example. It is no rocket science that proper monitoring can increase the life expectancy of machines by many folds, including that improved facilities management.

Call us to learn more about Indoor asset location monitoring solutions and the IPS privacy aspects