How to explain the purpose of Digital Twin Warehouse

Digital twin in warehouse management

Digital twin warehouse

Digital twin warehouse management. Our IoT starter kit can be deployed in harsh industrial environments to enhance operational efficiency  – production warehouses, factory floors, and logistics yards.  An RTLS software using digital twin technology will allow you to map in real-time and in a 100% autonomous way, the zone location of the workforce, inventory, and assets. Bring new insights for business intelligence. Enable workflow management, RTLS asset tracking, forklift trackinginventory tracking, and workforce safety tracking in warehouse management, production floors, and factories. Best suited for tracking high-value inventory & spares in oil and gas, aviation, and electronics industries.

Digital twin warehouse management for operational efficiency

Deploy an IoT starter kit for inventory tracking on the production shop floor to monitor the progress in a warehouse procurement and dispatch line. Know the time spent in each warehouse zone, the workers who undertook inspections, repairs, preventive maintenance schedules, etc. Worker safety solutions for a digital warehouse will reduce accidents and mishaps while loading and unloading cargo with smart pallet tracking methods.

Digital twin in warehouse management

Know the exact storage location of inventory in various zones, their temperature humidity, pressure & movement. Map the spares inventory with an inventree management solution for improved logistics visibility. Know the location and movement of the forklift with 2.5-meter accuracy. Enforce safe distancing for workers and contractors, tracking suppliers and visitors using our Indoor positioning systems 

Digital twin warehouse logistics business intelligence

  • How long has the truck been waiting at the loading bays 
  • What is the average cargo wait time during peak hours
  • Warehouse zones have people working for more than 10 hours. How many in each zone
  • What is the average temperature in the cold storage zone over the last 24 hours?
  • When will the product inventory of our priority client be ready for dispatch?
  • How many contractors are working today on the preventive maintenance plan
  • Where are the forklifts located in the warehouse zones, use panic button for emergency
  • Improving accuracy in Warehouse inventory tracking
  • Efficient energy management cargo tracking devices

What is a digital twin in logistics? Based on highly reliable Mesh technology developed by world leaders, and this indoor location-tracking solution works on RipplesIPS inventory tags and asset-tracking devices. These tags can be attached to moving or stationary and this two-way network allows light or sound signals to be emitted through real-time interactions

Warehouse management

Digital twin warehouse examples. A data visualization dashboard allows you, among other things, to understand the position of objects in different zones of the warehouse, the moving asset, and inventory tags, and to trigger audio and visual alerts remotely. The wireless infrastructure, which requires no internet connection, enables the deployment of the solution and ensures a highly competitive total acquisition and ownership cost using our mesh-enabled indoor positioning system and RTLS starter kit for warehouse management.

IoT starter kit for digital twin warehouse

A versatile, multilingual indoor location tracking platform that can be deployed on cloud-enabled software. Integrate with existing workflow solutions to help locate and monitor inventory. Tags can be embedded inside safety vests, lanyards, and helmets to track worker safety and productivity.

Warehouse cold chain traceability – enhance logistics performance

Using mesh network and retrofit deployment, large industrial areas which require constant monitoring of temperature humidity values will benefit through lower infrastructure costs, long battery life, compact, waterproof, real-time location system data shown on unified warehouse monitoring IoT data visualisation tools. Know about IoT starter kit

Contact us today to know more about our digital twin warehouse, IoT starter kit, and digital twin in warehouse management operations.